The State of Ohio has lifted the ban on Tele-Health MMJ card appointments as an emergency response to COVID-19.

Ever since the medical marijuana program was successfully launched last year, the practice of telemedicine has been banned. Tele-Health Appointments allow patients to receive the recommendation they need without seeing their doctors face-to-face. The practice allows for the use of a phone conversation and a video chat to better understand what the patient needs.

As the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to increase, public safety is still the number one priority. Before the global pandemic, patients who did not previously have an Ohio MMJ card were unable to qualify for one, even if they experienced pre-approved conditions but were unable to physically meet with a doctor. This was because the state’s regulations at that time required a face-to-face meeting with a doctor to be recommended an MMJ card.

The New Tele-Health Option for medical marijuana is part of Ohio’s emergency response to COVID-19. At this time, no end date has been assigned to telehealth. It will be up to the state to determine if the tele-health option for MMJ cards should remain in effect. This new digital meeting for qualified MMJ patients ensures those with compromised immune systems remain safe.

With the new tele-health option for medical marijuana recommendations, it truly has never been easier to obtain your MMJ card. You no longer need to visit the location nearest you. Rather, you only need to review the list of Qualifying Conditions and schedule your virtual appointment.  It truly is that simple!

This order could be beneficial even after in the post COVID-19 era, as some patients are susceptible to more than just a global virus. The situation will continue to be monitored and services will be updated accordingly to meet the state of Ohio’s regulations.

All tele-health meetings for your Ohio MMJ card will remain HIPAA compliant and allow you to meet virtually with a doctor who is qualified to provide you with your recommendation. We are dedicated to helping you receive the medical marijuana recommendation you need without compromising your privacy. You can rest assured all appointments will be conducted on time and on the date you have requested.

Please do not hesitate to Schedule your Tele-Health Appointment for your Ohio MMJ card if you experience chronic pain or discomfort or if you have been diagnosed with any of the qualifying conditions. Our tele-health appointment is truly socially distance approved because you never need to leave the comfort of your home to be approved for your Ohio MMJ card. If you have any questions regarding the process or what to expect during your digital appointment, please contact us. We are happy to assist you!

If you or a loved one suffer from any of the FDA approved qualifying medical conditions, you are eligible to receive your Ohio MMJ medical card. Fortunately, the process is incredibly simple. All you or your loved one need to do is find the location nearest you, complete the assessment, and meet with a doctor who is qualified to prescribe medical marijuana. That’s it! Be sure you wear your mask during your visit and contact us if you have any questions along the way.